

应该是《My Face)》 歌手:The Black Keys 歌曲时长:3分56秒 歌词: 1、My face is red like the sun. I got new shoes that fit 'em right where they should be. My smile is wide, my throat is clean and I'm not afraid to show it. And nobody else can hold your hand like me 我脸庞如太阳般红润。我有双新鞋,合脚得宜。我笑容满溢,嗓子清爽而且无拘无束。没有任何人能够像你那样牵起我的手。 Nobody else has hair as curly as mine. There ain't a day goes by that I don't know how to use it. Everybody wants what's yours but never had it to give. You can call me any name that you want 但是没有人拥有像卷发那样的头发。每一天里我都知道怎样利用它。人人都想要你有的东西但却不能给你。你可以随意叫我任何名字 2、I am just who I am, with no apology for my appearance or behavior. I am an original, and therefore different from everyone around me. Not better or worse——just differently made. I am free to be myself;therefore happy 我就是我自己,对相貌或举止绝不道歉。我是独一无二的,因而不同于周围任何一个存在物。我不比任何人好,也不比任何人差——只是与众不同罢了。我能做自己想做的,因此快乐无比。
