

汉字,多音字 jiāo (娇)


2、同本义 [a pretty girl] 娇,态也。——东汉·许慎《说文》 娇者,柔丽之意。——宋·陈景沂《梅花喜神》序 娇姿艳质。——《南史·张氏传》


4、喜爱[like]。如:娇惯(溺爱);娇爱(爱护;珍惜) 5、宠幸[favorite]。如:娇惑(受到迷惑而宠幸);娇客(受宠爱的人)

6、古指小女儿 [youngest daughter]。如:娇女(女儿中的佼佼者)

7、通“姣”。美好。 [beautiful]

8、姓 常见词组 jiāo wèi 见“娇畏”

9、方言集汇 粤语:gaau3 giu1



A female child or young woman. A person who is lovely and sweet to look at but maybe not very strong or independent. Someone you love, admire and want to protect.

I am a softie when it comes to my children. My youngest is only two, so she's still my baby. But I can't help thinking of her as my little princess. She's so sweet and gentle and pretty-with her long blond hair and big blue eyes. And because she's small and delicate, everyone has to be careful with her.

My son is six and a real rough-and-tumble kind of boy. He loves sports and playing in the mud, and he has this wild red mop of hair that makes his eyes twinkle like stars. He can be naughty sometimes, but he is also so loving and protective of his sisters that we all think of him as our little prince.

The girls are my world. They make me smile every day with their silly jokes and crazy games. There's always something going on: one of them is learning to ride a bike, another is learning to read and write, and someone else is learning how to walk. It's really hard work being a mom, but they give me such joy that I don't even mind getting up before sunrise to prepare breakfast or coming home from work late to find the dishes piled high in the sink. I know I'm lucky to have found my own personal princesses, and I will do anything to make sure they feel safe and loved.
