

在“网易版”我的世界,玩家可以在创建角色时选择自己喜欢的人物皮肤;而在“网易国际版”里,所有人物的皮肤则都一样。 那么这些皮肤都是什么来路呢?它们都是取自于《Minecraft》的游戏动画系列。

Giant:This is a series about the adventures of Jack and his friends as they explore the world around them.其中“Giant”就是游戏动画的第一集的名字,这集主要介绍的是Jack和他的怪物朋友们。 The Creeper:In this episode, it's Halloween and the players dress up as monsters from the story to go trick-or-treating for food. The Creeper, which is short for “the candy creeps”, shows up at their door looking for treats and takes off with what he can grab... which happens to be one of the player's heads.这集的名称叫做“The Creeper”,是关于一个名叫Creeper的怪物的故事。这个怪物喜欢在万圣节夜里搞破坏,它会把所有看到的人都吓哭,然后偷走他们的糖果。

Ender's Quest: This episode introduces us to Ender Wiggin, the young boy who will later become one of Minecraft’s most powerful users (and who had to fight an army of aliens just so we could have these skins).这集的名字叫作“Ender's Quest”,它讲述了未来成为Minecraft最强玩家之一的Enders的故事(顺便提一下,他为了获得这些皮肤还不得不和一群外星人打仗)。

Pocket Adventure: A new skin added in the Pocket Edition 0.12 update. In this mini adventure, you play as Ender trying to stop your enemy from opening a portal to another dimension. This was one of the very first official videos made by Mojang regarding Minecraft: Pocket Edition and showed off some cool gameplay features that were not available on any other version until much later, like using silk touch to climb walls。这集叫做“Pocket Adventure”,讲述的是一个发生在口袋版世界里的小冒险故事。这是由Mojang官方制作的一个很短的动画剧集,展示了比目前任何版本都更早的一些游戏玩法,比如使用丝绸触摸(Silk Touch)技能爬墙。

TNT: This episode revolves around TNT, a creep that has fallen into a vat of sticky puddle plant goop and now cannot move. He asks the player to save him by firing torches or explosives at him.这集的名字叫“TNT”,讲的是有一个怪物掉进了一罐粘糊糊的浆果植物中动弹不得,于是请求玩家用投掷火焰杖/投掷爆炸药水的方法来帮他自救。

Hunter’s Dilemma: This is my favorite episode! I love the way the hunter moves and how every action looks very natural. In this episode, the Hunter is shown fighting against several mobs including creepers, wolves, and zombies. At one point in the video, everything goes black except for a floating text message saying “A New Type Of Terror Has Arrived”. It seems that there are more than just mobs out
